(Bill L) Perfil de tutor

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Bill L

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My interests include fitness (in which field I had a business for many years in New York), scuba diving, motorcycles, and reading, especially history and politics. I would love to discuss these and other topics with you as your tutor. I have a Master's and a Ph.D. degree in Political Science, which I taught for several years in an American university, winning many awards from students for my teaching. My students said they thought me an effective teacher because I treated each of them as an individual with unique strengths and needs. One-on-one tutoring fits well with my perception of each student as a person with talents and requirements different from others, so come on, let's get started! I look forward to improving your English together.

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Estados Unidos
Estados Unidos
EscuelaIndiana University
HobbyFitness, motorcycles, reading (especially politics and history)
Películas FavoritasApollo 13