(Ancy) Perfil de tutor

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Hi, I am Andrijana, very cheerful, optimistic and positive girl. I like meeting new people. Especially enjoy if I can help in something, one of the reasons I became a doctor in first place. Also like teaching English, since I was in High school I started tutoring and I have been successful. I would like to share my knowledge with others and it would make me happy to know that I helped someone learn something new and improve their skills. My goal would be to show my students how to learn and love English giving them freedom to express.

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  • Jose Mariastar5

    I enjoyed it so much this lesson. You are an AWESOME person. Thank you for help me in my English path.

  • Jose Mariastar5

    Nice lesson. Thank you so much Dear Teacher. You are a FANTASTIC person. See you..!

  • Jose Mariastar5

    Thank you so much Ancy for your time. It has been a Great Pleasure to see you again. See you ...!

  • Jose Mariastar5

    Thank you so much Ancy for your time. It has been a Great Pleasure to see you again. See you ...!

  • Jose Mariastar5

    Thank you so much once more time for help me in may English journey. Have a nice weekend. See you..!!

EscuelaFaculty of Medical Sciences
HobbyReading, listening to music, spending time with friends
Películas FavoritasP.S. I love you